Alex Atamanenko on the long-gun registry and farmers

Blake Richards (CPC): “I wanted to put on the record an op-ed piece from the Castlegar News, from Mr. Atamanenko’s riding, and just share that with the committee and share that with farmers across this country.”

Alex Atamanenko (NDP): “You’re full of crap…I’ve had it with you and I’ve had it with that crap and the gun registry here has nothing to do with agriculture. I have three rifles. They’re registered. Nothing happens to me. Any farmer can go out and have a gun…”

Randy Hoback (CPC): “You come and talk to my farmers that way, Alex”

Alex Atamanenko (NDP): “Yeah, I’ll go and talk to them. I’ll go and talk to them.”

Randy Hoback (CPC): “They’ll kick you out of the hall.  You start representing your true farmers the way they should..”

Alex Atamanenko (NDP): “You go to hell.”

House of Commons Agriculture Committee, Nov. 19, 2009



Filed under Conservative, NDP

18 responses to “Alex Atamanenko on the long-gun registry and farmers

  1. Donna Mae

    I am surprised that the speaker did not call a halt to this with the language used. The words like crap and hell do not belong on the floor of our parliament.



    Yes the speaker should have displayed even a modicum of leadership. This is a prime example of the degredation of parliament and pervation of pedestrian attitudes and potty mouthing subservants our commons has bred.

  3. Cam

    I have no concern with the speaker not interviening my concern is with the language being used and the total disregard of Alex Atamanenko (NDP) for his constituents.

    It is a shame when a person in his position can show such disrespect to those that put him into his position of MP…

    If there were a recall system in place this man should be recalled or repremanded for his imature behaviours.

  4. On My High Harley

    I agree that the NDP member has shown very little respect towards his constituent responsibilities and also his fellow committee members. HOWEVER, people please realize that this debate???? did NOT take place in Parliament, it was a House of Commons Agriculture Committee Meeting on 19 Nov 09, which would have been held between several members of the committee in a meeting room and not in the House of Parliament.

  5. Donna Mae

    Committee meeting or parliament this language is not acceptable. Respect for the MP’s constituent’s wishes is certainly lacking

  6. On My High Harley

    Donna Mae,

    I agree!!!!

    Just imagine the furore there would be if a Conservative MP spoke this way….you can be guaranteed it would be all over news, and there would be howls for his immediate firing!

  7. Fred Leard

    I’m one of this clowns’ rural constituents and I’ve repeatedly tried to get him to vote against the registry. He always responds that he’s always supported the registry and the Association of Canadian Chiefs of Police support it as well.
    I hope the Ass’n of Cdn. Chiefs of Police vote for him in the next election because I can assure you I won’t.

  8. Janet Heidt

    I’m appalled that Mr. Atamenko feels justified in taking money for representing us in this area and then votes his conscience, which is not what his constituents want. Why do you claim to represent us? When in fact, you represent yourself.

  9. Fred Forman

    Just before the last vote on the long gun registry, I traded emails with Alex secretary and him. He will not see the facts nor believe the truth. Like Mr. Leard, I have been trying to encourage anyone who will listen, to vote against the NDP, but this riding continues to go that path even Provincially.
    Fred Forman

  10. Rob Zandee

    Nice to see the two Freds and Janet here. Indeed, Alex is not representing the majority of his constituents in this matter, however I believe that he is feeling the pressure. We will have to see what happens when the bill goes through cmtte and back to the house. keep up the good work folks!

  11. Janet Heidt

    I realize that I did not spell Atamanenko correctly, but the reply was already gone. My apologies.

  12. Cam

    What amazes me is that even though NDP MP Alex has been shown that the Association of Canadian Chiefs of Police is a lobby group that recieves $100’s of thousands of dollars in funding from the company that supplies the computer system for the CFC (long gun registry) he still blindly spews that due to them supporting the long gun registry he also supports it.

    Makes me wonder, is Alex recieving kick backs too for this blind support?

    Oh and Alex no crime has ever been prevented, stopped or solved by the long gun registry if their has been please show it because no one has ever found one.

  13. C Clarke

    This is shameful behaviour, no matter where the conversation took place. Our elected officials are supposed to demonstrate leadership, not thuggery.
    Why anyone would want to keep the long-gun registry at any price is beyond me. It was a complete waste of time and money.

  14. Wow, I’ve seen plenty of dumb things said by MP’s but this is quite low. Alex Atamanenko (NDP) can’t seem to handle a little newspaper editorial. Also nice research Cam on the lobby group.

  15. Rob Zandee

    The kicker here Jade is that he was getting heat for his own op-ed in his hometown paper. If you don’t want to get heat for it, don’t write it.

    • Mark D

      Actually Mr. Zandee it was over an article written by that goof Rob Leggett. I think it is understandable that Mr. Atamanenko did not want read into the record a completely irrelevant article written by a right wing propagandist who has also written about how global warming is a myth and Winston Blackmore has the right to practice polygamy and how great the HST is.

  16. Rod Smelser

    If Alex Atamanenko owns three rifles, how is he uninformed on this issue. Who is it that he is not representing?

    If there’s a demand to make the registry a civil rather than a criminal matter, why not say so?

    As for Atamanenko’s language in dismissing cheap, intentionally misleading and cowardly Conservative propaganda, … good for him. We need more people in this country with the courage and frankness to say it like it is.

    • Cam

      Then he should get his facts right…

      MP Alex is also out of touch he stated in an email communication that under his FAC he has 3 rifles registered.

      There is no such thing as an FAC any longer it is called a PAL (possesion and aquisition license) now.

      In other words if he does not have a PAL he is a criminal under C-68 the firearms act and should be investigated.

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